Nice to meet ya, I'm Casia but you can call me Cas (and yes, my titles will often be cheesy like this one, lol) This is my first post to Free*Style and I'm so excited to be sharing the fun bargains I find! I found the store Volt through the Lucky Chair Stalkers group when they were describing a chair with "scene" hair! Being a Cali girl myself, I love to be "scene". When I got there, I was super stoked to find that the chair contents are Transfer! I enlisted the help of a guy friend and won the hair myself, and got passed the outfit that is also in the chair. The hair is color scripted and has a TON of options! The outfit includes the shirt, skirt, leggings, and shoes (omg shoes!)

The skin I'm wearing is from Giusia, there are 1L gift boxes hidden around the store. I found 4, but there may be more (there were no signs about the hunt that I could see) The eyes were a subscribo gift from Figure 8 :)

Have a great nite! <3, Cas
Other goodies (not free)
Piercing- Cyanide (former MM gift, not sure if it's for sale- called Strychnine)
Gloves- Calypso Giano- 30L
Yay!! So happy to have you! Squee! And I love this post! Rock it!
omg I love that congrats to you! /go stalk chair now
Hiiiii your first post is already awesome because i looooove scene hair and i collect skele shirts and jackets!
omg.. checked the chair and it was on H .. gave me the hair then another H gave me the outfit. Best Birthday ever. woot. :)
Congrats on your first post Cas!! You're fantastic!!! <3 Adaire
Thankies so much Sileny, Sydd, and Adaire! And \o/ Hempy, Happy Birthday!!!! I'm SO excited to be a part of the team :)
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