Wednesday, 28 January 2009


So I've basically disappeared off the face of the SL-world for the past week or so. I've been sick. I know, It's Summer here, I don't cope well in extreme heat and bllaaaaah bllaaah.

But something from Baiastice is always a good pick-me-up.
There really isn't anything to say but WOW about this gorgeous group skin. You really must get your hands on one. Further more, hit up the Baiastice mainstore on the Baiastice sim, and purchase one. GORGEOUS!!



You'll need to be part of the Baiastice group to get this skin. And like Ive said before. This group is amazing! You must join!

Other stuff: (not free)
Underwear from Intimizzo by Armidi


Creamy Cooljoke said...


Xili Parx said...

Beautiful. Where did the hair come from?

♥ Abra Exonar said...

Ohhh, beautiful Dahl. Hope you're feeling better luv! <33

Brunninha said...

Where did the hair come from

Dahlindah Destiny said...

The hair is an old lucky board prize from Uncleweb Studio.
I tried to get you a SLURL, but I can't find the store!!