Wednesday 3 December 2008

Disclaimer : I do not know any of these designers...

.... but I wish I did :)

I just feel the need to respond to a negative comment on a previous post from our friend 'anonymous' accusing us of mostly blogging our friends stores (which is absolutely crap by the way). I have made friends with many lovely and talented creators since starting this blog and I often feel bad because many of them I have not featured...YET! I would absolutely LOVE to do them all, believe me - but genuinely time is a big factor). I was so annoyed last night I actually said the F word TWICE in my response to the comment.

Fact is that myself and my fellow bloggers get sent many reviews and we always try to feature these first (sometimes we don't manage to because we are so busy or we can't find something to go with it etc...but we try our best, if you have sent us something and we haven't featured your item yet, it is nothng personal, we are just so busy and persistence really does pay off). If you wish to send me a review of your free gift please send it in a folder with all info to my alt FREESTYLE ADAMSKI, as Creamy's inventory is a horrible mess and I lose stuff.

When we have time we also love to do our own freebie hunting, that was my original hobby, but nowadays it's really had to find unique items which have not already been blogged elsewhere.

We obviously all have our own styles and favourite stores, just like everyone else does, which of course we feature regularly as we are often in the update groups or get tip offs. It doesn't mean we are know the designer.

Ultimately though we are doing this for fun and to help people who can't afford lots of clothes, and I also like it if we can help advertise new talent. We don't get paid so we aren't obliged to do anything we don't want to do.

Nuff said and on to the freebies...

I adore Slow Kitchen and I wish I knew the creator XD. They have a new free gift in store - this really cute dress in grey, the red version is on the lucky chair. The shirt underneath also comes with it. The skins worn here are Lion Skins...EVERY THING IS FREE...OMGWTF? They rock! Helianthus told me about it last night, so I went down this morning and the place was completely packed, you probabaly know about it already. The hair worn is the Diversity VIP group gift as shown by Ashia.

3 dec slow kitchen

Also in the above pic I am wearing tights and shoes by Little Fish, I've been showing this store a lot lately because I love it...oh yes, I do not know the designer, but I wish I did!

Little Fish are also participating in the POE hunt so search for the globe in store and you will find one of these items (I think it was the yellow dress), but not only that, there's a Xmas tree in store with a new free gift everyday. So far this gorgeous red tang top, TARTAN shoes (yesssss) and tights. The skins worn below here are stunning and they are 1l at Beauty Avatar on the desk, also a male outfit there.

3 dec little fish

These shooooz *gasps)

3 dec_005

I'm offski, its sunny outside and I need fresh air. Have fun peeps!


Anonymous said...

Girls, I just wanted to say I love your blog. Recently (or not so recently) I got broke. Lol!... but my fashion addiction has not stopped! I love it here, my nr. 1 source of quality freebies and not so freebies ^_^ Thanks for posting all these goodies!

Miranda Milestone said...

*sends lots of hugs to creamy*
I love your blog! We are all human and to expect you to present everything you get sent is asked a lot. Sometimes people forget that you don't live for SL and its freebies. You and your team are doing an awesome job. All the freebies you show are of a high quality. I've seen other blogs with stuff of a lot lesser quality.
And of course there is the Free*style group. There is always the possibility to send your weekly notice out there and bring your shop into the view of possible customers ;)

So thumbs up for you from me. Carry on, you're doing great!
(And sometimes the f word is the only suitable one :D)

Anonymous said...

I want to Thank all all of your at FreeStyle. This is the best freebie blog for stuff that is nice then most. And you do this for nothing, thats what people forget. If someone does not like your post then they should move along and not complain about it on here. Thanks for your hard work and to others who post here. :)

Anonymous said...

That's a great blog entry Creamy, and you guys are a fabulous team! This is one of my favorite blogs, actually the first freebie blog I discovered months ago and I have not stopped reading it since.
People who leave bitter, unkind comments clearly have a lot of bottled up anger and loads of time on their hands.
They want to see you get riled up for their own amusement. Don't let it get to you; read, laugh and ignore. If it's not constructive criticism,it simply isn't worth responding to.
It's no one's god given right to expect any of you or the other freebie bloggers out there to do anything for them.
Readers and freebie hunters who appreciate and support all the effort you and your team put in to your blog and groups will always outnumber the whiners, so keep up the great work and stay fabulous ;)

fionay dill said...

thanks a lot for recommended my store in your blog ^_^
I open my blog and put your URL in it.

don't care about the negative comment.
we love your blog, you Bring more happy and Convenient for me.
have a nice day honey~

fionay dill said...

In the fact,when my store's name Appear in your blog's very Surprised for me.
beacuse I like read your blog everyday.
very glad looked you can Recommended my store :) but we are not friend Even we don't meet each other.
so I just want to say:thanks for everything.
Those negative comment is untrue.
don't care about do something you think is right.

Ivey Deschanel said...

Now I'm seriously hurt and offended...cause I know Creamy and Adaire and Ashia and they havent blogged me in forever! -criesss and pouts-

Instead of attacking a blog that out of extreme generosity and with a spirit of fun HELPS finantially-challenged people, why not go after the dozen or so blogs that REALLY only blog the same 5 or 6 designers EVERY F*#ckin DAY (there's my F- word for ya Creams). Yes we all know who they are..and they all dress like my mom.

Creamy no worries darlin. You have a ton of fans and a buncha support. Keep doing what you do.

Anonymous said...

Creamy your blog is one of the best. It is my number one source of what's going on in the grid. As a designer I'm honored when one of my items is blogged. I always send a group notice for my freebies and never expect to get blogged. So when it happens I'm doubly honored. As for the F*&!ing (there's another F word for ya Creamy) idiots out there that think you are favoring one store over another they need to get over themselves and realize you are a real person with real feelings and not a computer generated avatar. You had every right to vent your anger towards their stupidity.

Anonymous said...

So I already posted this in another blog but concerning the giving out of the entire line of Lion Skins Zee Skins:

Personally, I hate when designers do things like this. Yes I understand that with such a generous act, that Lion is more about making art and not money. That is something I really admire about her. However, I bought a lot of skins from the Zee line about 8 months ago when their old price was 900+, then when they were reduced to 600, then when they were reduced to 400 etc. They were my favorite everyday skins and I guess almost a treat for me you could say. Every month after paying my rent and having enough money left over, I would treat myself to another makeup from the Zee line. Some people treat themselves to new shoes, clothes etc. But for me it was a new skin from there. I guess I am super shallow for saying that they helped set me apart from the sea of other avatars. However, it feels like a slap in the face for supporting a designer for so long only to have the value of my items drop to that of a freebie and be given out. I guess what happens happens. I just want to throw my hands down and admit defeat. However, I still support Lion's creations and you should stop buy and grab those amazing skins because she is a wonderful person. Just needed to vent I guess :/

Anonymous said...

Creamy woman, fuck the haters, they are nothing and nobodys. Instead of showing them any sort of sign that you are hurt, maybe make a "selfhealing" curse blog and cuss all those retards out :P
Nah, really... blog about whomever and whatever, you dolls do an awesome job - all of you!
And a ROFL @ Ivey @ dressing like mom, yea they are all hazelnuts. LOL!
Noor out~

Creamy Cooljoke said...

Thanks for your lovely comments everyone. I guess in a wierd way I kinda thank the anon neg commenter because they were probably just saying what some people were thinking, maybe they were someone who we haven't shown on here yet and they were upset..who knows!
Anyhoo, it was good to get a chance to clear things up and make a conscious effort to make things more varied, i guess we fall in to a sort of habit with what we feature on here.

Iveeeeey, we are gonna blog you to death now you know that XD

Fionay...I am so happy you like this blog, I love your creations :))


Creamy Cooljoke said...

To Just me again,
Yes I do see what you mean, that must totally suck if you bought a load of skins from a favourite designer and then they make them freely available to everyone.

Personally I have never bought a Lion skin but having tried the free skins I'm extremely impressed and I will definitely be interested in trying any new creations with a view to a purchase, so by doing this they have potentially gained many more customers.

I do think in cases like this previous loyal customers should be rewarded in some way - maybe with free previews of the new skin range/limited editions or something, that would be excellent customer service and then everyone wins.

That's what I would do if I was the designer.

Anonymous said...

rock on team freestyle.

Even if you DO know the designers, who cares? You show the readers here some of the best freebies in SL as well as many new faces cropping up in the fashion scene.

Keep at it

Anonymous said...

Wow. I missed that comment. What a nasty thing to say. :-/
I love your blog and I check it at least once a day. I always find new and fresh things and shops and talents I've never seen before. Keep up the good work. Don't stress over it. You can never please everyone so don't even try.
It's THEIR blog, folks- they can blog about whatever they have the inclination or time to. And they're mighty generous to be doing it at all.

THANK YOU Creamy and friends. XOXO

Anonymous said...

The hunt has been very dissapointing. Also I was hoping to see a lot of posts from you all with the stuff you found from the hunt. I was expecting a lot of posts daily, but no...*sigh*. Oh and one more thing, where's the bunny doll from Little Girl? All I got was a Korea Doll with a ginormous tag on it.

Doreen Garrigus said...

Hey, Creamy. I know sometimes it can feel like nobody appreciates what you are doing, especially when someone posts a really negative comment. Keep in mind that most of us aren't commenting every time we read the wonderful things you write. We are just quietly (and quickly, before the place gets mobbed) going to get the things you blog about. And we really, really, really appreciate you giving us the chance to do that.

Terry Toland said...

So, in relation to the skins commentary going on, Nomine used to sell some of their 'regular' skins for 1000L. Then the Windlight line came out, and the older ones were marked down to 100L for a while, then were set to 200L. So, we have Windlight for a bit, and then recently Nomine comes out with the Sylvan line, and the Windlights dropped to 500L and the Sylvans are 500L.

Now, I also went over to Lion Skins, and while the old line was free, the new line was 1200L.

The same thing happens in RL- when something is updated, the older one drops in price, sometimes being given out promotionally for free. And their are very few instances when the seller refunds the money to people who purchased the older product at full price.

So, really, it might put a twist in the panties, but it's a logical business trend- drop the price on the old when the new comes and use it for what it's worth. Now, you have new treats- the new line.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who posts anon to criticize or complain is not worth your time. I recently came across this blog and I love it. It doesn't matter that designers get repeated a little here and there-- they're popular because they make damn fine items, and they often offer freebies! I can't check their stores every day, nor can I subscribe to them (durn 25 group limit!) so I for one really appreciate the heads up on my favorite stores, thanks to you and your blog.

I think that in general, blogs tend to repeat posts a little between them but it's not a bad thing-- I barely have time to FIND the lovely things you're always blogging about-- so I can only imagine how much time it takes up to do this for us, all for naught, and to get a kick in the pants in the end, and people complaining? Blah.

Ignore the haters. We luff joo!

As for the Lion Skins thing, I agree with you Creamy, old, loyal customers should have been given a treat not available to regulars. Or maybe not making them ALL free... I don't know. But it's not great business sense to get paying customers mad at you, for all the ones you gain in the freebie grab. I think something extra would have made everyone happy. That said, I LOVE the Lion Skins and I think it's amazing of her to offer them, they're incredible skins.

Jane Primrose said...

I don't like every post I see on Free*Style, but the things you've featured that I DO like far outweigh the stuff that doesn't appeal to me. That's why I keep checking daily. This is by far my favourite SL freebie blog - your selections are much more in line with my personal style than a lot of what shows up on Freebie Telegraph or FabFree. Almost every day, you feature something I like, and get.
And you know what? Even if you DID just blog (or 'bloog' as that anonymous person had it) your friends' work, that would just mean you had friends who make neat stuff. Which is nifty.
I appreciate the effort you're making to show a representative sampling of the POE hunt gifts. With 350 stores participating I know I won't want to visit every one, and your comments and pictures help me work out which ones are worth the time. Please keep it up!

Anonymous said...


What you do is a public service. You take your time and your energy and devote it to providing people with one of the very best blogs about SL fashion, not to mention the Freestyle Forest. I KNOW how much time you devote to this and how much work goes into everything you do.. it floors me that someone can bitch about this in any way. You guys work so hard and I am honoured to have you as a friend, I think what you do is so cool for the users of SL.

Meh. I hate idiots.


Anonymous said...

Oh come on. You guys get busy and blog on all 350+ Peace On Earth gifts along with all the other gifts flooding SL for the holiday season. Come on you are super heroes endowed with the power to develop fantastic coordinated looks from hundreds of different things and getting full coverage for all of them at your personal expense of picture taking and subsequent composing solid review pictures.

You know you can do it. You are Free Style!


Suri did such a fantastic job with the PoE gift of mine. Thank you!

Seriously.. More blogs need to adopt the policy of only allowing valid SL accounts to comment after confirming they are who they say they are. If people had to post under their SL name then we would see a lot less of the vitriol drinkers blathering from their secure position entrenched and hidden behind their computer screen from which they take sport in hurling excrement bare handed.

Anonymous said...

Please, don't stop showing the gifts fron the POE hunt because of a bitter comment.
You were a real lifesaver for me during the Ghost hunt. My RL don't allow me to visit 100+ shops, so I read what you blogged and tp'ed to the shops with interesting stuff. I visited less than 10 shops, and kept all the things I picked up.
So much better than stress several hours with lag, getting angry,and end up deleting 9 of 10 items.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!