Tuesday, 16 September 2008

A whole lotta somethin'....

Thanks to SL I keep missing group messages, so I was checking back today through the notice archives and saw a notice from Omnia of Beauty Avatar about a new free skin in store. Hoping it was still there I rushed over and woooooot! There it was!

This skin is totally stunning, I love it on my alt Mini's shape. Possibly only available for a limited time so hurry on down there.


The Beauty Avatar skin also comes with all these beautifully elaborate tattoo's, I'm pretty fussy when it comes to tattoo's in SL but I will definitely wear these, they are all in undershirt layer which is great too. Apologies, they came out in a bit blurry in my snapshots but they are really great.




Stool and poses, AnimaH (not free - but you can try them out for free at Free*Style)

Now for tons of lucky board stuff. Shinsaibasi has a new(ish) mall with loads of great stores, on one of the streets is a whole area dedicated to lucky boards. I won loads, including the bikini above, jewellery, this beautiful dress below



I really love this mall, there's lots of really great stores here, a couple of which I had never seen before and I found some other great free items, including these gifts at Honey and the eyes worn throughout this post.

*This is the truest colour of the skin, I was having awful problems with my lighting*

Pic 1
Beauty Avatar SELKIS - Black Skin Preview Skin & Tattoos (1L or free)
Eyes: Je Vuex Black Eye: Shinsaibasi (free)
Sn@tch Kickass Hat (Rattler)
Hair: Shop Seu (not free)

Pic 2, 3, 4
Tattoos: Beauty Avatar (as before)
Paisley Glamour Bikini: Shinsaibasi Lucky Board
Pic 5, 6
Encemble Dress : Shinsaibasi Lucky Board
Hair: Shop Seu (not free)

Pic 7, 8
Outfits: Honey (free)
Matsurika Clover Jewellery: Shinsaibasi Lucky Board


Anonymous said...

Hi! I really love the hat in first picture.
Is it from Snatch? I didn't find it in the store! Is it a freebie or not?


Creamy Cooljoke said...

Hmmm, I had a slight problem here. I received it today from a group (possibly fashcon) but when I looked through the notices I couldnt find it, also it is not in the Sn@tch group notices and I couldn't find it for sale in store. The only thing I could think of is that it was sent over 15 days ago to fashcon (but I have no idea why I received it today) :/

I will find out for you..

Dahlindah Destiny said...

I really do think that skin is stunning!

Ivey Deschanel said...

Heya anon and Creamy,
Yeps that hat was a freebie I sent out last week in Fashcon but the notice has already come off the list. It's available in store though, if you take a left when you come in and go upstairs, it's on the left wall with four other cowboy hats. It's called "Kickass Hat (Rattler)"
Glad you like! And sorry you missed the freebie. I have another full outfit on the wall free tho called Groovy. It'll be up til Friday.


Anonymous said...

Lovely hat and skin but those eyes, wow, gorgeous.

Cant find them tho.

Pls can you give more directions.

Thanks :).