Wednesday 3 September 2008

What have I been up to???

Here's a little sneaky peak of what I have been doing....dun dun dunnnnnnn......


Yes, I've been torturing the primage, and torturing myself while I was at it (actually I really enjoyed it).

This style I have aptly named 'Mary' (was originally even more aptly named ' spermhead'), inspired by Cameron Diaz in the famous Jizz scene in 'Something About Mary). I love it if I may say so myself. Yay, my very first hair!! I'm going to do a male version of it too, so you guys won't be left out ok.

It's not quite ready yet, just gotta sort add a few bits and shape it a little more and then I will put it out at one of our stores. How about this for an idea? I was thinking of a 'Pay What You Want' type store, so you can either have it for free, or if you are feeling extra generous or flush you can pay whatever you think it is worth, good or bad idea? Let me know what you think.
I need to find a script to allow people to do this when purchasing, so if anyone knows where to get one, please let me know.

**Creators and shop owners, please let me know if you would be interested in participating in this little experiment. I was thinking of changing the items every few weeks or so and of course any money paid would go to the owner of the product**

On to some lovely free clothes from a cute store called Magnet. While I was picking up the SLURL for this store, lots of people started landing there, so I guess someone has already blogged it. Damm I thought I found a new one!



Outfits: Magnet (1L)
Mary Hair: Creamy @ Free*Style (available soon!)
Ingrid Light Skin - Glitter Baby Pink: La Sylphide (previous group gift)
Rabbit Shoes: Aoharu (not free)


Unknown said...

PROMISE to model with this hair as soon as its its ready hehe
love it !

Allegory Malaprop said...

If you can't find an easy one already made, I can probably work one up for you. I've been willingly putting myself in vendor scripting hell lately.

Anonymous said...

What abotu the script used for Relay for Life kiosks? Didn't they work on a similar idea?

Dove Swanson said...

lol I love it! :D Way to go Creamy!

Also, couldn't you just use one of those tip jar style scripts? Like the ones they used to use in strip clubs, where you could tip the board and you'd get something (a notecard or picture, but I'm guessing the 'give inventory' could be anything) in return for the tip.

That way you could make it clickable (for free) or tippable (however much they wanted) ...or at least it seems to work that way in my head. hehe. But it's early.

Unknown said...

yeah was thinking aobut that seems the useing tip jar scirt with uit being "buy for free and" and "buy when clicked on" so this way you eahter buy or pay. the pay is the tip and bhte buy is free. but yeah what dove is saying

Mochi Milena said... XD

Nice work!

Creamy Cooljoke said...

Thanks beu I will, you wont be able to stop me :D

allegory/addison/dove and david - thankyees for your tips, I'll look inot those options and then if i can't find one i'll pester allegory to make one for me :D

Yay, glad you like Mochi. Thanks !

Miranda Milestone said...

Ahahahaha... I wondered why this haistyle looked so familiar, until I read the text under the picture and when I read "spermhead" I had a light bulb moment :D Didn't need the reference then any more :D
Really cool idea!
And the pay as much as you want thing sounds great. I know there are some RL restaurants that do that and it's quite popular.

Anonymous said...

You are sooo clever, Creamy! Three cheers for spermihair!!!
hugs <3