Thursday 17 July 2008


about all those not-so-free gala phoenix skins i've been torturing the free*style readership with lately? here's one that's totally, completely, utterly without strings:

[shirt - cupcakes group gift, check notice archives; jeans - lf fashions - trusty jeans (the best 200L you'll ever spend)]

rita groshomme of curio generously dropped me a folder of loveliness, which naturally i squeed over for about 10 minutes because really, what's the point of being an f-list e-fashion mock celebritard if you can't trick people into giving you stuff once in awhile? actually i squeed because i died a lame little fangirl death inside, but anyway... i was even more delighted to make the connection that my folder = the latest gifts to the gala and rita design announcements group. yes, that's right, you too can procure rita's cute cropped hipster hairdo (which is eerily close to my own RL 'do. i'm generally of the opinion that hipsterness is wrong wrong wrong but it never felt so right) in about 2380572 brilliant shades, and gala's nightshade makeup in 983259823 luminous tones. you bet your ass i counted. stick around the group too, 'cause as a member you'll get a day early sneak peek at the curio sim:

We are pleased to announce the sneak preview of our new sim Curio, exclusively to members of our update group Saturday July 19th at noon SLT. The offical opening will be Sunday July 20th at noon SLT.

Be sure to join our update group "Gala & Rita Design Announcements" to get in early so you can shop with less lag. You can find the group in search or IM Rita Groshomme if you need an invite. We will also be giving out several group gifts before the opening :D

We will have all new skins, hair, furniture, eyes, and more! See you there!

and with that, i'm off to sleepwalk through another muggy, hot-as-balls friday workday. hurry up, saturday!


Creamy Cooljoke said...

Oooh, you look amazin'. I can't wait to see the new sim. My first ever skin was Gala and one of my first hair styles was Curio - you know the little 20's style with the kiss curls?

Ooh got to hunt in the depths of my inventory for that now.

Anonymous said...

I just got the skins.. and woooow, definitely my new favs!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Those Gala skins are amazing! I just want to lick my sl face all day :P

Anonymous said...