Sunday, 15 June 2008

Surfline's Gorgee Dress - this weeks free gift.

Sshhhhh, no one make any loud noises or sudden movements or I will puke. I was at a friends houseparty last night and true to form, today I feel terrible. Think I'm over the worst now but it was touch and go for while whether I would survive the day.

So this is gonna be quick.

Surfline has a gorgeous pink plaid summer dress free for 1 week from today.



It's adorable so you need it in your virtual wardrobe. A big thanks to Cutback and the Surfline Rezzable peeps for being so generous to us.

Dress: Surfline (free for 1 week from today)
Destiny-Shambi Skin: Ashia Designs (group gift)
Pompom Hair/bow: BP* (approx 130L ?)

Now I'm off to huddle under my duvet again.

Peace out!


olivia connaught said...

no one make any loud noises or sudden movements or I will puke.

awww! this is the first sunday in awhile that i haven't felt like that <3

Ashia Tomsen said...

*sneaks up behind you and yells BOO!*

Cheri Pye said...

*yells out the grossest joke*

/evil grin

Cute post Creamy, hope you're feeling better soon ^^