So today I decided I must do it before these items removed from the group (thanks to Express for not allowing me to forget, LOL)

Everything worn above, (except Ashia's skin, hair, Tail and Ears, Cheri's skin and Express' shoes), plus lots more skins, hair and clothes for both sexes are available in the Random subscribomatic group, touch it and choose option 1 and hopefully they will still be in the notice archives.
Oh ermm.....we had a serious copybot incident...yeah, Cheri photocopied her butt and it knocked me out.

Thanks to Cheri, Express and Ashia for helping out here and big thanks to Garbage again for giving away all of these clothes, skins and hair.
So what's your thoughts on this blog design? It's not definitely staying because I'm not happy with how squished the text and photo's look.
Also, I have lost a whole load of blog links from the side panel and all my widgets, but I will be putting them in again over the next few days. If your blog was was on this page and I don't put it back, it's just because I had so many there and I forgot.
Please contact me with your blog link, leave a comment to this post with your blog link.
if you google search "freestyle sl", find the blog (should be the first one), and click Cached next to the green should see the old format and - ta da! all of the old links too :)
I do like the blue splattered theme. I'm not at all up on these things, but can you maybe edit the css to make the margins narrower and lose the squish you don't like?
Ooo great tip xo, I'm off to try it now, thankyou :)
Thanks for your tip too efemera. I had a look at the html for the template yesterday and wasn't sure which bit to edit, I'll try it out on a test blog first incase i mess this one up :)
When installing new themes you always have to check the widgets and should always save your template before :) However it is possible to install themes without losing the widgets. Xo's tip was very good!
I Love the blue! :)
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