Monday 21 April 2008

Slip on these babies!

How about these checkered (I think Vans style) Pornstar Slip on's? These are a group gift from Urban Bomb Unit, and they rock! They are scripted so you can click them to change size, therefore suitable for both guys and girls, search Urban Bomb Unit to join the group and look in notice archives for these babies.

If you visit the Urban Bomb Unit store at Dogtown, the full price version of these are customisable, you can select any pattern or colour by clicking on the shoe (they also have a Converse pair and the most acest rainboots - I neeeeeed!). Thank you to the person who contacted Miu about these, SL is being a biatchipoo again - I can't open the notice info....grrrrr!


Pornstar Slip Ons, checkered, Urban Bomb Unit (Group Gift)


Bella Baroque said...

LUUUUUFF!!!!! Their Pornstars hardly evah come off my feet, but these pair of Vans might have to make the rotation. Nice work mah dear! <3

Lawless McBride said...

dear creamy, i love you, lets be wanton together!!!...can i wear my new shoes?

Anonymous said...

Pornstar shoes are seriously, the best shoes in SL. go Coke!!

Creamy Cooljoke said...

yup...these shooz roxors ma soxors.

Lawless - I would lick your shoes if you wore these :p