Wednesday, 5 March 2008

st patrick's day part two!

i know, i know... everyone's blogging sparkle skye's lovely saint patrick's day giftie, but it totally deserves the attention - this is not any old freebie:

[wings - irkmade, (free); hair - armidi (not free); skin - gala phoenix (not free); shoes - lassitude and ennui (not free); location - winterfell]

because i have an intrinsic inability to resist clowning it up, i decided to go all sneaky mcfairy around west of ireland:

My creation

anyway, as if the dress weren't amazing enough on its own, alienbear gupte is joining in the weekly giveaway fest with some of her intricate jewelry:

how to get your stuff: search groups for sparkle skye, and alienbear. join the groups. go to their respective stores with your group tag activated, and click the appropriate displays to receive your gifts.

more details from sparkle skye's blog:

This month Alienbear Design and Sparkle Skye Designs have come together in a collaboration to bring you a beautiful series of quality items for our group members. The Shamrock Doll jewerlry and the Sweetheart miniskirt are available only till Friday March 7th 12:00AM SL time. So theres not much time to waste before these little treasures are removed. Each week between now and Saint Patricks Day (March 17th) you will possess more luck than a 4 leaf clover and leprechaun combined, by having a guaranteed chance of winning specially designed shamrock themed dresses and gowns by Sparkle Skye Designs and Alienbear Design.


Bella Baroque said...



olivia connaught said...

bwahaha the flickrtoys lolcat generator is a wonderful thing