Saturday 1 March 2008

oh frabjous day

i nearly peed my pants with delight when i saw the notice from ivalde's group about this free dress:

[hair - etd's sofia (not free); skin - the newest winter moon group gift]

it's group only, and THIS WEEKEND only. if you're not a group member already: join up, then go to ivalde's main store and touch the dress display to get your copy.

these stunning eyes were created in honor of the equally stunning the far away by am radio, and are available free at eyefidelity:

[hair - rac valentines freebie, no longer available at that price; skin: the aforementioned winter moon group gift]

just to remind myself that i'm not all froufrou all the time, i threw together the following outfit around this impossibly cute dollarbie shirt i picked up at the creator's pavilion:

[hair - armidi's ginza (not free); skin - miasnow group gift, still available; skirt - gigi couture instore gift; eyes - latest big booty big money group gift, still available; belt - callie cline fashcon anniversary gift, may still be available in notices]


Anonymous said...

"...Callooh, Callay!" he chortled in his joy.


Sidonie said...


hey i was taking a friend over to the amore pacific sim and we were in teh car and i was randomly clicking and i found a sign sort of tucked away to one side that says casablanca man, casablanca woman, superman and matrix on it. Turns out, each line of text yields an outfit. superman and casablanca man for the men and matrix (Trinity) and casablanca woman for the ladies.

Thought you might like to know!

Sidonie said...

this would be in the mise en scene area, sorry should have said that.

olivia connaught said...

moisie: i'm so glad someone caught that <3

sidonie: i'll have to check that out tomorrow! i like the sound of casablanca woman

ps this: "these stunning eyes were created in honor of the equally stunning the far away by am radio" reads wretchedly and i didn't mean to imply am radio made the eyes and yeah. doh.