Tuesday 19 February 2008

Share-It HUD

Flater Baxter has created something fantastic. It is called 'SHARE-IT and it is FREE to use for designers and shoppers alike.


“SHARE-IT” is a fantastic way to show residents your designs and tell them about your business.

If you would like to join this project, you have to invest some giveaway's (that's the share part). You will receive a server from Flater, in it you place your logo and a notecard with your design info. Then you will put in some creations that you want to share with all the residents of SL. Box the objects with notecards,landmarks etc)

For the public there is a “SHARE-IT HUD”, they wear the HUD and then can search for the giveaway's using the open chat channel. If they find a product of yours, they click the image and your logo will be shown when they touch your logo, your info will be given. If they touch the image of the product twice they can choose to get the object, or to see all the giveaway's of the creator.

On the right side of the hud, 6 random designers will be shown for extra promotion.

This is a larger version of how the hud would look on the wearers screen (click for a larger view)
share it_002 share it_003


1# you or your alt must be the creator of the objects
2# the objects must be TOS compliant
3# no nude pictures.
4# no racism in picture or product.
5# all the images must be 256x256 pixels.

If you would like to see a demo of SHARE IT, it can be seen in-game at THIS LOCATION
share it_001

Here's the link to see the info on the website:

For more info or if you wish to participate, please IM Flater Baxter.
He will give you all the items needed to add your designs to the SHARE-IT network.

I think that if Flater gets the approval to place this information at Orientation Islands/Infohubs and other popular new player places - this will be a great way to help new players and also a fantastic way for creators to publicise their designs.

I would love to hear your comments about this, Flater is happy to receive any feedback.


Alicia Chenaux said...

That sounds so cool! I'm definitely going to get myself a HUD and give it a try!

Anonymous said...

I love the idea.