Sunday, 9 December 2007

Freebie Lists and the new Free*Style Flickr Group

The following blogs have spent a lot of time and effort compiling lists of the latest SL freebs/dollarbies and sale items. I felt I should link them here because their efforts have made the freebie hunters life in SL a whole lot easier.

MASSIVELY - Second Life Holiday Shopping Guide(Dec 8th)
Anna Zwiers - Freebie Finds in SL

Thanks to Moo and Anna!

I have set up a Flickr Group for Free*Style. I would love to see the amazing outfits you put together. Ideally the entire look will cost less than 30L and the more unusual and inventive the better.

This is the link:
Free*Style Flickr Group

Take a snapshot of yourself in world.
Choose 'Save Snapshot to Disk' option, when taking the photo
Upload your picture to the
Free*Style Flickr Group, instructions how to do this on the Flickr's easy-peasy!

I will feature my favourites in this blog, please leave the following info in the description of your photo.

1. Your SL Name
2. Where you bought the goodies
3. Cost
4. SLURL if possible (you can get the SLURL by clicking 'Map' in game and 'Copy SLURL to clipboard' then Ctrl+v to paste it into the description on Flickr)
5. Description/why you love it

You can also wear non free items, such as skin/hair/shoes, but the main subject has to be almost free.

Have fun! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

1 comment:

Anna Zwiers said...

Thanks for the shout out! =D