Thursday 8 November 2007

Supposed to be sorting Inventory

Well today, all was quiet and I thought I would take the opportunity to sort out my inventory because it's a total mess. So off I go to Dutch Touch (where I like to sit on the beach, the music is amazing!) to do this boooring task of inventory sorting.

After a couple of minutes of rearranging folders and deleting stuff, I start to come across Japanese landmarks I don't recognise. Intrigued, I decide to TP over and take a quick look, fully intending to come back and carry on with my task...but no...that was the end of that because I found some really cute stuff.

First up, this babydoll dress from Motomachi, when you TP there, fly up - it's on the orange wall with lots of other cheap and free stuff.

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I was also amazed to find this free Anya Hindmarch inspired, eco-friendly, supermarket chic bag at Motomachi.

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The embroidered design on this dress is so pretty, hard to believe it was free.

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When I paired it with the bashed up boots made by the amazingly-talented-all-round-ace-person Arcadia Asylum and the long socks from Pochette I found just the look I was after.

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I will send out these boots out in a group message. Arcadia Asylum is well known in SL for making great copyable freebs for passing around - not for selling! These boots are unisex and modifiable so you can shrink them if they are too big for you.

Next up, I found these sooooo cute shorts from Amerie's Naughty, I teamed them with a Dutch Touch vest top, these can be found in a freebie box outside the store and come in lots of different colours.

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These shorts also have a pretty embroidered flower design. Embroidery is not usually my thang, but I think I have been converted.

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When I went back to Pochette (the socks place) to find the URL, look what else I found for free, this yummy camo vest which comes in various different colours.

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The hair in the above pics was a gift from Sugarcube (a big thank you to Yuuki) and the skin is the demo dark makeup skin from Another Shop(see previous post).

And now...I REALLY am going to sort my inventory!!


Dot Lane said...

One tip in sorting inventory: I rename the folder for an outfit to add the date acquired or the date I first tried it on. It makes knowing what's new and what's old or what's unworn much easier.



Unknown said...

Omigawd - you find the cutest things and stores! That adorable shopping bag is so my next acquisition.

Creamy Cooljoke said...

Good Tip Dot, I still haven't got very far with it.

Tymmerie - I hope you found the bag, if not I can copy it to you :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Creamy, sorry to dig up an old post, but I went looking for these boots today and couldn't find them when I followed the SLurl you posted (although I did find some clogs I like).

I found a group called "Arcadia Asylum Recovery", but there was nothing in the notices, so not sure if that was the right group.

Creamy Cooljoke said...

Hi Kie,

I found these at Arcadia's Rags and Riches Sim originally, but I've been meaning to box them up and send them out to the group because they are full perms. Thats my job for today (if SL lets me in of course)

Also if you like these boots check out the free villager ones from Angry Monkey too - an LM was sent out to the group about this one a few days ago and I'll be doing a post on them in the next couple of days :)