Saturday 29 October 2011


Happy Saturday!  I have a few things here I think you'll enjoy.  First off, this dress and hair flower is from one of my fave stores, Deviant Girls, and is hidden in a pumpkin patch at the Voc Linda sim.  Basically you go to the Voc Linda church and find 2 pumpkins, one with this dress/hair flower and a second from Chocolate Atelier that contains a sheer, black dress.  Almost all of the pumpkins are set for sale but only 2 of them contain the prize.  The hair is a group gift from Yuna's, a store we have blogged before that not only has nice hair for sale but is also very generous with gifts.  The hair comes in 3 colors, each with a different bang style.
The skin is from the Lavanda sim hunt.  The hunt isn't hard, just a little bit confusing, haha.  Basically, you join the Lavanda mall group and TP to the shopping area.  You click the sign that will give you a funny head/hat thing to wear.  You look around all the shops and click the little black halloween goodie bags.  Once you find all the bags and the map you can click the last sign for an LM to the secret prize room.  Inside you will find a bunch of gifts from amazing stores, such as this skin from Mother Goose's.  Have fun! 

Also Used:
Pose: Glitterati