Thursday 7 May 2009

spring weekend

I love the spring... in SL, that is. In RL I'm sneezing constantly and my eyes are watering, but in SL, it's my lips that are red, not my nose! Anyway... my business partner Chav sent out these fun spring shorts as a group gift. I suspect they'd look ok on boys too!

Dalindah's last post reminded me of what a beautiful place Tres Blah is... so I hopped over there for a springy photo shoot!

idk group gift green plaid shorts

shorts - idk - join "idk Update Group" in my profile to receive a copy

top - tres blah white layering tank (1L) (where this photo was taken)

hair - Maitreya Nikki - Platinum (not free)
skin - (fd) Ghost Organs - Heavy Brow (so not free, but so totally worth it)

xoxo, esme "not esme milena" michigan

p.s. this is my first post for Free*Style. i hope i did it right! if not, please bear with me. i love this blog!


olivia connaught said...

YAY ESME! you are the cutey-est <3

Dahlindah Destiny said...

tres blah is a wonderful store <3