Sunday, 19 April 2020

LAST DAY!!! Ostara's Alter Event

Helena Stringer - Free*Style - Last Day for Ostara's Alter - 1

Ostara's Alter
April 3rd to April 19th 2020
Opens at 1pm SLT

Themed Exclusives
L$5 Egg Hunt - Every Designer has at least one egg

Exclusives and Hunt Item Gallery

Helena Stringer - Free*Style - Last Day for Ostara's Alter - 2

Today is the last day to swing on by, get great deals, and find those eggs!

I really enjoyed covering this event, as I was able to do so many different looks wit what was offered. The setting itself was really beautiful.

I am not one to generally enjoy Easter. There are only two commercialized holidays I really love, and lets just say, easter is not even close to being on the radar. I did enjoy Ostara's Alter though, as it appealed to my darker side more. It is not specifically dark themed, it just had a lot of items outside the normal concept of  "easter".

So make sure you visit, and if you are really lucky, and see this post late, still come by, most events don't knock back booths right at midnight, so things still might be out at the event site.

I'm also wearing the Sweet's L$1 Mesh Body. It fits most Maitreya clothing, you just have to fiddle with your shape a bit. Also, due to BOM, you will need additional alpha layers for some parts of the body, to make certain clothing work. I do like the body though, it is a great asset for the price. Wouldn't call it perfect, but it is nicely functional.


Hair - The Stringer Mausoleum - Biretta in Blood Raven - One Colourpack is currently L$37 on Sale
Mesh Head - Dream - Ciara Bento/BOM Mesh head - FREE for the Stay at Home Club
Mesh Body - Sweet's - Bento Body Ruth 2.0 - L$1 on SLM
Skin(BOM) - Joli - Christiana Skin in Alabaster - Group Gift (Free to Join)
Eyes(System) - Demicorn - Hana Eyes in Black - Common Gacha Item @ Gachaland
Eyelashes(Object) - Chemistry - Long Lashes - FREE on SLM
Eyeliner(BOM) - Squeek! - Black Eyeliner - FREE @ Shop Free*Style 
Beauty Marks(BOM) - Tone 2 - Beauty Mix 5 - FREE @ The Liaison Collaborative
Tattoo(BOM) - Carol G - Roses Harvest Green Tattoo in 100% - Group Gift (Free to Join)
Dress - Zoom - Astara Minidress in Black - L$5 Ostara's Alter Hunt Item
Stockings(BOM) - Psycho Barbie - Black Fishnet Stockings - Group Gift (L$50 Join Fee)
Earrings - Drunken Brokrr - Valdyr Ear Piercing w/Hud - Group Gift @ Reduex
Collar - Sweet's - Lace Choker/Seam Hider - L$1 on SLM
Necklace - Goth1C0 - Gothic Elegant Necklace in Black - L$5 Ostara's Alter Hunt Item
Eyepatch - Oubliette - Arachnes Garden Patch - L$5 Ostara's Alter Hunt Item