Can you believe fall is here? Don't tell my tanlines. Fall back love + fashionista kisses to all!
ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
Dress: :: Intrepid Designs :: - S-H-H - 3.5 - Joy - find/buy acorn for $0L - free
*NOTE: Be sure to grab the fabby Anymore purse on the Summer Harvest Hunt as well; more giftie previews on the official blog here.
Bag: *Tea Time* - SHH - 77 - find/buy acorn for $0L - free
Eyes: Poetic Colors - pearl - clear pond - medium bright - subscribo gift (new!) - free
Bottle of bugs: DooDads @ Marketplace - Bottle of Bugs - $1L
Earrings: DooDads @ Marketplace - Love Earrings - $1L
Gem-topped shoes: Bliensen + MaiTai - If I Were Rich - Pomposa - Shoes - Gold - find/buy gold coin - $1L *NOTE: this hunt officially just ended, but the gift might still be out!
Wrist camera: DooDads @ Marketplace - Camera (for hand) - $1L
Socks: DooDads/Sock Shop @ Marketplace - Butterfly Floral Socks - $10L
Robot tiara: DooDads @ Marketplace - Robot Tiara *mwuahs Paisley Mizin*
Robots in love necklace: DooDads @ Marketplace - Robot Necklace *mwuahs Paisley Mizin*
Robot bracelet: DooDads @ Marketplace - Robot Bracelet (right) *mwuahs Paisley Mizin*
Upper arm armwarmers (full set included w/ lower arms): DooDads @ Marketplace - Button Armwarmers (new!) *mwuahs Paisley Mizin*
Skin: Glam Affair - Lilith - Artic 11 Red (new!) *double mwuahs Aida Ewing & M4ri1yn Magic*
Hair: .ILLUSORY. - Hair_Yew - Strawberry (creator Crushed Clarity)
Pose: Le Poppycock - *Holla Set* (new!) *double mwuahs Julliette Bade & Olivia Lalonde*