You have to search for small burlap sacks with dollar signs on them. When you click the bag you will find out if it is a trick (which will call you a loser, lol) or a prize. And even if you find a prize it might be a double of one you already found or a note card saying you were tricked, haha! The prizes are hidden EVERYWHERE. Up high, inside things, UNDER GROUND even. Seriously, not a hunt for beginning hunters or people with no patience.

Worn From the Hunt:
Kimono w/Lots of Attachments: A.M.K.R.
Hair w/Hat: Black Maria
Goggles: Kumaki Glasses Style
Shoes: BC322
Bracelet: A.M.K.R.
Also Worn:
Skin: Den-Dou, not free
Tattoo: Rosso, free
Gloves: Rotten Toe, not free
There are a lot more items available in the hunt if you can find them xD