Thursday, 29 July 2010

Nam3less Hunting in the District


Welcome to my first post. I was so flattered and excited to be invited as a guest blogger for Free*Style. I've been reading it for about a year and a half...*fan girl waves*. I hope you enjoy my contributions and find them useful. Nuff bout me let's get on to what you're really here for yes?

There's a mini hunt going on right now called "The Little Big Nam3less Hunt". There are a ton of prizes for both genders. You're looking for conch shells *i think that's what they are* that have cute creepy little eyes poking out of them lol. The shells are really easy to find \o/. Tp to Nam3less Hunt. I'd like to thank my dear bella Miss Olela Parx for pointing the way to these nahmmy num num freebies.

These tres cute harem pants are the hunt gifts from *[DIAPOP]* 2 colors! The chest bow is a dollarbie from [M2M] , there's two huts chalked full of dollarbies for both guys and girls, woot-de-woo! The flip flops are an absolute must have, they're color change! You can find them at In Her Shoes.

The top and jeans are also gifts from the Nam3less hunt. I like this top, it comes as is with the bikini on top, it's got some funky cuts and I think it's kinda unique. The leather cuff I'm sporting is a group gift from +grasp+ , there's a few group gift boards to go and click. The gorgeous soft, smokey skin is the current 69L Humpday special from Mango, Mango! I'm a bit late for posting it, BUT lucky us Sileny's pretty good about leaving it out at the sale price for a few days.

There's also a hunt going on for the grand opening of the Industry District. You're looking for really teeny tiny gears, so keep a sharp eye out. The prizes here rocketh!

These badbutt goggles are the hunt gift from -=FORSAKEN=- they also have the option to wear on your eyes which I forgot to snap a pic of *Doh* . The eyes are from Eye Factory, and the tattoo is from Endless Pain. This skin, my absolute fave from this hunt is from Nightshade Designs.

Whew! Good luck finding the goodies and happy hunting! <3


Look 1

Harem Pants - *[DIAPOP]* Nam3less Hunt Gift

Top - - Freebie Shelf Gift

Chest Bow Accessory - [M2M] - In the dollarbie hut for girls.

Flip Flops - In Her Shoes

Not Free

Hair -

Skin - Mynerva - Summer of Love Fair

Look 2

Top - *[DIAPOP]* - Nam3less Hunt Gift

Jeans - Somapop - Nam3less Hunt Gift

Cuff - +grasp+ - Group Gift

Not Free

Skin - Mango, Mango! - 69L Special

Hair - .:Addict:.

Look 3 - All freebies here from the Industry Disctrict Hunt

Goggles - -=FORSAKEN=

Eyes - Eye Factory

Skin - Nightshade Designs

Tattoo - Endless Pain

Not Free

Hair - Kin

Bikini - Pig