The Obscene have a new store and beaaauuutiful new skins, hell, it's likely you already know this because it's probably been on all the other freebie blogs, but here is my token effort. The BRAELYN ~ Seraphin skin is a free gift sample in store and also body glitter. Stunnage!

Fascino have also opened a new store and released some really cute new styles. The ribbon worn is a group gift in store, colour changeable, so may go with some hair you already have, the actual hair worn was L$200 for 2 colours.
I don't smoke any more in RL since it was banned in public places here in UK - it took the fun out of it for me, so now I loooove to smoke in SL and I made a realistic ciggy for this purpose. It smokes, it glows, but it doesn't stink or give you the cancer. You can get this for 1L (or pay whatever you think it's worth), you get a hand or mouth version.

Pic 1
Brealyn Sraphine skins and Gitter - The Obscene gifts in store
Hair Ribbon - Fascino group gift in store
Licio Hair - Fascino - 200L for 2 colour
Pic 2
Skin - &Bean group gift
Hair -AyLine (lucky board (I think))
Cigarette - 1L
If you keep blogging, even if only like once a month, I will give you custom made crotch mustaches. CUSTOM MADE I SAY.
Ah Creamy we love ya no matter what...
Creamy, me personally have always enjoyed your blogs if it was to just to watch some crazy video, or to read something about your kids or a crazy cat outside your house. You have been one of the pioneers to SL freedom fashion & free style'n, inspiring many to blog on this page as guests and beyond. You have also inspired designers to create items just for the sake of having fun. Because of this blog, I have picked up items in SL that I may not have considered or known about. Sure it can be said of other SL fashion blogs too but this one is more enjoyable to read than many & easier on the eyes with the graphics. We, the many readers & designers are here along with you in heart & spirit. As always thank-you Creamy. Hugs ~ C ~
Creammyyy!! It's sooo good to see a blog from you. You really have a way of presenting things that makes me want to rush right out and get them. I'd be very sad if you gave up :( But so happy if you decided to keep at it even if it's only the occasional post :)
Creammyyy!! It's sooo good to see a blog from you. You really have a way of presenting things that makes me want to rush right out and get them. I'd be very sad if you gave up :( But so happy if you decided to keep at it even if it's only the occasional post :) guys made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, Thankyoooo <3
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