Wednesday 16 September 2009

I'm Classeh!!

For some reason every time I wear something from Donna Flora I feel all extra classy and cute. And who doesn't want to feel classy for 1L? Hehe! This outfit is cool because you can mix and match the pieces for a few different looks, which is always awesome. As far as I know these will only be 1L for a limited time (hence the doing one post right after another tonight.)

The knee-high canvas boots are the latest limited time freebie from EvA. You want them. Go get them. What's stopping you!?!?

The skin is the awesome lucky board prize from My UglyDorothy, available at the Rad mall location. Love it sooooo much! And the hair is a fabulous dollarbie from Pocket Mirrors.


Miss D Ember said...

those boots are linked to where? that url seems wrong.

Sileny said...

Oopsies! I will fix it when I get back to SL tonight. They are in the EvA store in the Dominion Fashion District. For now you might try searching The Dominion to find them. Sorry for the trouble!

Sileny said...

OK, sorry for taking so long I totally spaced :/ The Slurl to the dominion shopping district is this: