Wednesday 12 August 2009

U-Neek got me Nakie!


U-Neek is just that, a unique store.

Recently they had to make a really big move, and there has been some updating of older products. If you want something different, this is the place to be.

Treebee Withnail has a very refreshing vision with her products, she also happens to be very VERY generous. She has had to move due to the Ebil takeover of her previous location, and the demon landloard from hell wanted to charge her even more for her plot. Sadly due to the move, she didn't have her subscriber backed up(it was new) so she lost all her subscribers. If you were on her list, go click it again! If you were not, she set out each of the subscriber gifts out, so everyone can enjoy them.

There are Midnight manias galore, lucky chairs galore, a wall of gifts and cheapies, and better yet, there is a hunt! or actually sort of like 2 hunts! She has a star one for clothing and stuffs, and a duck one for skins. Today I'm going to show you some of the skins.


So there are 10 skins in the duck hunt. U-neek products are a bit different, so maybe not to everyones tastes. There is always a play of colour.


Full on body tatted skins are hard to find, specially in goth tones. So here you go, tribe yourself out.


Surpisingly enough, this was one of my favorites. I tend to shy away from anything pink, but I do so love oriental designs.


This skin deserved an on the location shoot. I did attempt to find places for them all, but it's hard to find well made sims, that allow nudity, and where you aren't getting chased with dude and their floppy wangs.


This was my fav skin out of them all, it's all cyber spacey.

The hunt end on the 15th of August, so come on down, hit the subscribo, the MM boards, and grab up some U-neek Gifts!


All Skins from U-Neek-L$1 for each Ducky(there is a male skin too)
All Eyes from House of Ruin-L$20 per set
All Lashes from Cybernetics-they no longer sell lashes =(
Hands in last 2 pics from Groll's Inn-Handy Tech Hands-L$400
Boots in last 2 pics from HoC-Knee Boots in Plain Colors(they colourchange)-L$40
Coochie Zipper in last pic-Free Speerit-Part of a freebie pack, long long ago-was L$0 or L$1


Unknown said...

Helena, I can't think of a better person to showcase Treebee's talent than you. She is so clever and daring, like you. :)

Helena Stringer said...

hehe she sure is, I'm wearing her skins, and she is wearing mine in her new profile shot, so funny! hehe

I just wish I could of done them all on location But I've never been one to run around naked, so my naked place list was limited.