Long time, no blog!
Sorry I haven't been active; I've had a few miss adventures in the real world, and I've been supporting family, friends and trying to get into my study.
But I haven't forgotten you!
Sileny let my know about some delicious skins. Free? No. But for 10L a pop, who could go wrong!? These gorgeous skins are from Lionskins, and were originally around 800L each. I'm not sure how long they will be this price, so grab your friends and get them all!
There are four skin tones, so find your tone and grab all the makeups; Here are just a few of my favourite makeup combinations, in three of the tones available.

The gorgeous one piece is from the Summer collection by Royal Blue. The new collection is full of Marni's punchy colours, funky styles and is worth a look. Some of my favourites include these one pieces, blazers, sexy pumps and clutch bags.
The stunning necklace is from one of my favourite designers in Second Life, Vintage McMillan, the owner of Epoque. Her new range is stunning, and I picked this up a few weeks back at the group only sale. You can grab her designs, including jewelry, hair and glasses at her new store on Eugene.
Style note:
Hair: Artilleri
Skins: LionSkin
One piece: Royal Blue
Necklace: Epoque
Those skins are so nice! And the makeup options are really cool.
Yays for this :D I ran and bought them all last time she had a huge sale and I still wear the old ones. ^^
Think they've gone back to full price, or i'm blind :D
I can't log in to check if they are still full price but as like 1am they were still only 10L. It was the skins at the right of the store first floor that I bought.
Sowwy, the full price comment was me :)
I'll take another looksie. Ty :)
I'm glad you all like them! They are some gorgeous skins, and I am so happy Sileny let me know! Thanks so much Sileny!
They are in the back left corner, but I am not sure how long they will be for sale.
Found em and absolutely love them to bits. Thank you :D
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