So I was finishing up my previous post, and putting the pictures in my various group on flickr. While going back to my own page I see some {Frick} ads. Could it be? New Skins?
I proceeded to the landmark given on the flickr picture provided. And got stuck in a box! The Shock, The Horror. The box talked to me while I was trapped, spouting things like "closed for reno" and "Here is a landmark to a satilite loaction you already have bought everything at".
After 3 flickr pics of big crazy haired designer lady comments, whining all the way, Fricka let me know it was she who forgot to reset the landing point.
I thought I was in some dream of madness.
The above skin is one of her new purchasable makeups. It is called Baroque, I'm wearing it in the goth tone, and the makeup is called Rigaudon. What Fricka does with all her skins is gives you options, you get big lips, small lips, lipstick, no lipstick, freckles, tho not always with each skin. This pack I got 4 skins at a price of L$199, thats L$50 a skin, not bad at all.
But thats not free is it?
Well Fricka never disappoints.

She has made wearable demos. Yes they are demos of the skins, but in a very special colour, a Noir tone she calls it. They are real skins, so no marking to make them less desirable. Think of it as a free sample.

She had sent a few noir tones out to her group over the months, and I've always enjoyed them. You wear them, and any colour just pops.

This is a special wearable demo for the Drow line, it's very own colouring in green. Dude I so would have bought the green! bonus!

I had just opened my group gift from the VIP Sn@tch group. Ivey is a darling, and has always spoilt the masses. Well in her group you get almost weekly lovelies. There is a join fee, but most groups have them now, and you tend to get sale notices before the masses, which a designer hermit like me enjoys.
This weeks gift is this lovely gothic gown called Despair. Plunging neckline, Highlighted details.

The Back plunges just as far as the front, making this a perfect dress for a tattoo enthusiest.
If you need to find the Sn@tch group either search inworld using "Sn@tch VIP" or look at my profile(Helena Stringer), it's in my group list.
I took all the pics on top of Fricka's store =)
All Skins- {Frick} -All but the first one are L$1
All Eyes-House of Ruin-various shades of the Felid Eyes-L$20 each
Dress- Sn@tch -Despair-VIP group gift
(Blogger is being weird with my Sn@tch landmark, which I normally can get around, but not today it seems, so in case here is the store slurl http://slurl.com/secondlife/Snatch%20City/123/212/30)
I'm off to make more big ass hair!
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