Hair: DarkerSide, group gift
Skin: DhR @ skin fair, free
Shoes: CoCo, CSR prize
Corset: DV8, previously blogged
The hair is the latest group gift DarkerSide. I think it is limited time so hustle if you want it. I have a thing for black & white hair so yay! Plus it's called Elvira, which rocks :P The skins I am wearing are two more gifts from the skin fair. Mmm...skin.

Shoes: AMG Boudoir, 199L
I want your shooz in the first picture!!!! I can haz??
You can haz from CSR! They also come with a male shoe so make Con get too, lol.
Thanks for the review of my Elvira Hair!! The week was up yesterday, but as a thank you i put it out to be got again!
thanks sweetie
Thanks for doing that! You rock <3
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