If you have room in you group slots I would reccomend adding Parallel Love. This store is very generous with the gifties, and even their regular priced items fall in the 10L-50L range for the most part. And they are super cute. So that's good. All three dress are from Parallel Love and you should get them now.

Floral Dress: Parallel Love June group gift. Available in other colors for ridiculously cheap.
Hair: 1L at TekuTeku
And of course you need some fabulous hair and accessories! And no freebie post these days is complete without some sort of hunt reference, am I right? Haha. So this should fill your gaping void. The fabulous creator behind Sanu has been having some RL issues and has been away for a while. We wish her the super best!! But for now she has set us up with a cute mini quest. This is not a regualr hunt. You buy the carrot for 0L on the mailbox and read the story. The story will lead you to different carrots which you will buy for 1L each. In the end you get all three pieces of carrot jewelry, as well as an adorable tale. It's pretty easy and lots of fun.

Hair: Truth Novocaine style, 1L for a FAT PACK!
And finally, a guy bit. (I accidently typed "guy butt" at first which was funny but not true.) If you go to this awesome shopping center on the Brackish sim and add them to your picks you can get fairly frequent picks rewards prizes (changes every couple months or so). Right now there is a pretty necklace and this male skin! The skin is by Little Bird, whom I usually know for their female skins, but this skin was too good not to get even if I don't generally play a male av. And no, I wasn't making out with myself, the kiss mark is part of the skin ;D

Skin: Little Bird @ Brackish sim picks rewards prize for men
I will send Xonx a male shape, for when she feels like being a man next time. Seems Sileny hasn't passed a man shape to her :P hehe ((((((hugs Sileny!))))))))
LOL~ yeah Sileny is a greedy bish :O
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