Tuesday 5 May 2009

after making us wait approximately 409 billion years, whippet and buck is fucking OPEN. it's been so worth the wait, though... after you make your way through the store and buy every colorful, flawlessly textured bit of deliciousness in the place, head to the back room. there's a subscriber thingy that contains a thank you gift for joining up; you get the sgt pepper cropped jacket in both tall poppy and valentino tartan:

i'm also in a few erin skins from la sylphide which are dewily gorgeous AND currently on sale for 300L a piece. and perhaps you noticed the a-goddamn-dorable bird on my hip? the dainty star peeking out from near my elbow? also not-free, but from another much-anticipated store on my list, haver cole's smudge. go buy everything THX.

stuff and things

picture #1:
free - sgt. pepper jacket, whippet and buck subscriber gift
not free - dress, whippet and buck; skin, la sylphide (ON SALE ON SALE ON SALE); hair - tiny bird

picture #2:
free - jacket, whippet and buck subscriber gift
not free - shorts, whippet and buck; tattoos, smudge

1 comment:

Creamy Cooljoke said...

seriously in love with these clothes, i need to get down there tomorrow - my Lindens are itching to get outta my vitual pocket :D