Sunday 21 December 2008

you better watch out, you better not cry...

or zombie claus is gonna eat your face. if you're overdosing on all the sugary sweet ho-ho-ho and mistletoe things right now, fun as they are, how about trying a hunt that's just a little different? the sims of amemura, nipponbashi, shinshaibashi, and nanba are running a mission to save santa that spreads across the four sims. AND INVOLVES KILLING ZOMBIES:

and there are arbitrarily given perks, like these delectable junwave/love soul collaborative hairdos:

(slurl to the event start point here!)

a word of caution: even with the well-written english directions, it can be a little confusing. the lovely julieta peccable has several helpful snapshots of the steps you'll need to follow in order to get on your merry undead destroying way. i only have a few things i want to emphasize:

- when you go to activate the holy water gesture, you may need to change the shortcut from F2 to something else like F6, or change the gesture trigger to /zombie or whatever; F2 kept triggering some other gesture for me. so then it works like this: see a zombie, hit Fwhatever or /whatever, holy water gets chucked, hopefully you get a ticket to redeem a prize.
- i'm pretty sure the holy water is the only weapon you'll need. i was running around with one bottle strapped to my thigh for the longest time, and it took my genius darling friend dot lane to point out that copying the bottle and attaching it to multiple points was a big murderous help.
- i had some longish hunting stretches where i got several different prizes in a row, some where i got nothing at all, and some where i got the same stuff over and over again. don't give up! the gifts are different for each sim, so move on to another for awhile. it runs through christmas so there's plenty of time. plus killing zombies is FUN.

i know i know, that was a fuck of a lot of words. now that i've probably thoroughly confused everyone, have some other news:

- church of luxe sent out a flirty red holiday dress over the subscribo yesterday.
- CSR winter 08 has offically begun, which means i can cancel christmas because CSR is better.
- my new favorite accessory (and if uma ceawlin's got one, you know it's all sorts of chic) is the xmas shoulder buddy, and by buddy i mean cock that splooges snowflakes when you touch it and says mildly naughty things. i've no idea where it came from, other than that it was randomly given to me, but it's copy/trans so if you'd like one let me know.

i'm dreaming of a whiiiiite xmas

stuff and things
pictures #2 & #3: hair - junwave/love soul, prize from the rescue santa christmas event
picture#4: dress - [CoL], subscribo gift; shoulder buddy - no idea who made it, drop me a note if you want one

not free:
pictures #2 & #3: skin - redgrave, sakura
picture #4: skin - redgrave, jennifer; hair w/hat - 69's CSR prize (you have to have bought an item from a participating store in order to get a card to stamp)


Cheri Pye said...

Love the shoulder 'candle' Phnaahaha!

Livia + Sakura skin = are WIN!

Anonymous said...

Can i ask u something?
The last pic ... your mounth do you use a Emoter to do that? If yes where did u buy?

olivia connaught said...

hehe thanks cheri <3

anon, it involves using emotes and slow motion animations.... i can't explain the process very well but gogo does a great job here.

Anonymous said...

I HAS to have this shoulder buddy. I can't live without one. need need need. I can go without food, money, air, sex....wait food, money and air. but I have to have it.

Pretty Please? Inworld I'm Irkalla Caudron :P

Dot Lane said...

"genius darling friend"? Can I use that in my advertising?

