Friday 19 December 2008

Cards And Canes

Huge post today, thats gonna be pic heavy and um word light?!




These amazing dresses are various gifts or discounted items from Dani's. The first dress is a POE gift, Creams, go grab it, it's Tartan baby!!! The second was too cute to pass up, and only 199L, goes perfectly with the yumtastic legwarmer boots that Katatonik sent out to us groupies! The last dress, is available at the Vanity sim, and half the cost of it goes to Care International. I'm also wearing a lickable skin from Kookie in the first 2 pics, not free, but stupidly cheap.


This beauty is a group gift from the ever generous Lemania. Perfect for summer, which is what it is here, I'd totes wear this on christmas day!!

How many of you like art? Hands up! We all know and adore the amazing Four Yip, well she is just one of the artists and designers who are showing Christmas pics at the Half Moon Gallery. jenniewren Writer dropped the card on me, and I'm so glad she did. Wander around the beautiful pictures in a lovely outdoor setting. When you've taken it all in, touch each of the pictures.........and receive a gift from the artist. With designers such as Four, Kanan, Love Soul, Fairytail, Cocoro, Maguroya, Couveture, SLC an many, many more, this exibition is a feast for your eyes and your inventory! See the skin I'm wearing in the green dress pic? Go down to Crush Row, and you'll find this in a stocking hanging outside the Obscene! It's an L, along with hair and lashes, yay!

And last but by no means least, a present for Reid (see, even I can get into the Christmas spirit!!) Yummy Xmas stockings from Vinyl Cafe, free for a limited time. The super hawt shoes are from the Unique Needs lucky chair. Now I gots to run, minime has a massive weekend of socialising to get through,oy. Ash out.


Reid Lorefield said...

Yowza babe! There's enough room in my tent for you and Eden!

♥ Abra Exonar said...

OMG Ash!!! I know I'm not the only who needs to know what skin you're wearing in pics 3&4. Sooo pretty!!!! <3

Ashia Tomsen said...

*Eyes Reid* Always figured you for a "big" tent boy!!!
Abra- It's one of the Ti'ko doll skins <3

♥ Abra Exonar said...

Ti'ko!!! yeeeee...of course. ty luv <3