Friday 24 October 2008

The Teaches Of Peaches

After days of running round with barely more that a prim covering my bits, I thought I'd follow our amazing Adi's lead and show you a couple of beautiful dresses!!

But first up is this oh so versatile parka from Izumiya. It comes with 22 and a half options and I loves it. You'll find it in the group notices.

Isn't this dress the shiz? Ms Sysy spoils her group rotten and she sent this out to her subscribo the other day. It moves beautifully, and the colour is stunning.

I love Hexed. Time and time again I come back to that folder in my inv, my favorite sl skirt ever is from Hexed Alternative. I had a big squeal moment with this yummy Halloween dress was sent to the group. Fankyoo Kya and Sysy, *note to self* must fangirl you if I bump into you on the grid!!

Here, have a song that's in my head.
*DISCLAIMER* I will take no responsibility for any actions you might take as a result of listening to this, which may or may not include moshing and throwing random things round the room!! It's rude, angry and made of awesome. Ash out.

Other Shit
Hair (not free)

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places



Pumpkin Saenz said...

Love the nod to Peaches. She rawks!

Anonymous said...

About Hexed...can't find anything to subscribe to group or join a group. Also no freebies can be found in the store. Nono, it is not that you told *us* there would be freebies, but it is just what I noticed being in that store. Felt like a labyrinth for me :-(

Opal Jorda

Ashia Tomsen said...

Anon- The subscribo is in several locations in the store. Send me an IM, I'm inworld now, and I can take you to the kiosk.

Adaire DeCuir said...

OMG, that video IS made of the awesome. ROFL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bumped into Ashia on the Ghostbusters hunt, and she was very sweet. So, just saying "Hi!" again. *waves*

Anonymous said...

"Ash out" - oooohhhhhh"... you outing yerself, babeeee???

That's you in that video, right? ;P

SySy Chapman said...

LOLL love your writing style Ash.... cool you like my dress :D WOOOOOT!
"SY out" < lmfao..nah..doesn't suit me HAHAHA /end tryna be cool.