Friday 10 October 2008



I just wanted to explain a few things, I wish I could put all this in my SL profile but I can't fit it all in (and I think I am the only one who actually reads profiles anyway).

If you have sent me a notecard for a Free*Style group invite, or any other question and I haven't responded yet, I've been having lots of problems opening notecards know, the dreaded message 'system has timed out', which means I'm unable to read the notecard. With the latest SL update lots of crap stuff has been happening, display driver crashes, black screen of death etc. I'm crashing regularly and it sucks!

If you have sent me an offline IM and I have not responded, it's probably because I have crashed on login and lost your IM, or they have been capped. (My IMs do not go to my email as my inbox was driving me crazy). If I haven't replied to you within a week, please feel free to contact me again, or even better, contact one of my group officers, who are listed on this blog.

It's probably best to contact me when I'm online which is mainly between 12pm - 4pm SLT on weekdays (I'm in UK so this is my evening-time). Weekends can vary. You will see on my SL profile when I am online.

If I am online I am often afk, therefore I may not reply straight away. If I don't respond eventually, I may have crashed and lost your IM, so please contact me again.

If you are a designer and you have sent me a review copy of your free gift for the blog and I haven't featured your goodies yet, I've been really busy with RL, so not been able to blog so often lately. Please feel free to send items to any of my fellow bloggers who are listed here.

So I hope you all know now that I'm not totally ignorant, I've just got a chaotic life...RL and SL!

Thanks for your understanding.


Anonymous said...

I have had the same crash problems and driver errors, I did a video card driver update 2 nights ago, haven't had a problem since. Not one black screen in 2 days! Check your drivers! :)

-Marissa Goodliffe

Miranda Milestone said...

If you're a windows XP user there might be hope. A friend of mine told me the following:
go to preferences - graphics - hardware options
There remove the marking in the "enable VBO". I was told that this is neccessary for Vista users because of their bad graphics card and the engergy is split onto a virtual one, while with XP the graphic card is able to handle sl pretty well. Since I removed that I *think* SL got better for me, although I also have the notecard problem sometimes. Relogging always helped then...

I've sent you a second notecard, Creamy, coz I crashed when you send me the group invitation and you were afk afterwards, LOL. Will see if you're online during the next days :D