Mine! The detail is amazing. You need to join the ***JAPAN SOUL NONKO.com*** group, TP to the main store hurr, and touch the sign to get your hot little hands on these. The store is so gorgeous, I have the most amazing Mad Hatter outfit from here, you gots to take a look around.
Having been looking at some seriously awesome Alice gear while in Nonko, the next step was to find a dress worthy of the shoes. This one does the job, an anniversary gift from Dreamin'g Alice. There's a dark version too for all you gothy Alices.
And the grid's cutest store has spoilt us again with a yummy Halloween group gift. Join the Lo*momo group (worth staying in it and giving up one of your 25) TP to the main store and touch the sign to get yours. Also in other Ash related news, my new subscribo has been giving me hell, capping my msgs as soon as I log out (which happened anyway but this is killing me!) I think I've fixed the script, point being, for those members of the group that didn't get the Halloween skin, it's now at the Free*style store. It has a "Pay What You Want" script, so pay nada or pay a bit, it's up to you! And a huge thank you to Feodora Umarov, for being my product model, as my ass was too lazy to take pics!
Other Shit
Hair (not free)
ohhh Nonko is one of my ultimate favs for kimonos! those shoes are gorgeous, I thought my fruit mules from there were as good as they get, but oh these...might have to reconsider <3
OMG j'adore <333
where is this skin i cant find it in the free style store can you help me plase? thank you
funky design
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