Thursday, 18 September 2008

"i'm going to have a really hard time if we're cannibals AND we're racist."

my favoritest show is back and more funny-repulsive than ever! JOY. because i'm so psyched i thought i'd take a few minutes between episodes to blog this deliciously sassy dress group gift from in the light:

it also comes in a red and black version! the owner was already awesome enough to post the gift to the group a second time for folks to enjoy, so you know the drill: join up and check out the notice archives.

not free:
hair - fashionably dead
skin - mia


Noam said...

I love It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

"The baby just needs a base!"

Anonymous said...

But WHERE OH WHERE did you get that tape for your mouth? I must have it! :)

Bella Baroque said...

you are the master of karate.. and friendship for everyone ;)