Saturday, 21 June 2008

Tartan Me

Kuri Style恒例の新作L$1セール、今回はこんなかわいいピンクのタータンチェックのワンピースです!SL時間の今週末限定です!SSでは見えませんが、胸元のフリフリは胸元と同じように開いた背中にも回ってかわいいリボンが付いてます。
Pink Dress - Kuri Style (L$1 this weekend only SLT then goes back to its full price)
Blue Dress - Kuri Style (L$50)
Shoes - Juicy (L$500)
Hair - AOHARU (Coming Soon)


Anonymous said...

pretty-pretty Miu!
Dress, shoes, hair (oh, that hair!)... style in its purest form! <3

Miu Elfan said...

Ty ty Amethyst<33

Cheri Pye said...

Very nice finds Miu, look cute as can be in those pretty numbers ;>

Creamy Cooljoke said...

OMG how gorgeous. I hope I can get online to get these this weekend, but if not I will go buy them at full price, they are so lovely.

Anonymous said...

sooo sneaking online RIGHT NOW to get it.
<3 Kuri Style.

- Gidge