Wednesday, 18 June 2008

June In Kumamoto Japan

Creams did an amazing post awhile ago on Kumamoto Japan (buggered if i can find it now though, I did look so I could link it XD!) Weeeell the June gifts are out now, and let me tell you they rock hard.

kumamoto Japan

kumamoto Japan

There are so many versions of this dress in the folder, 3 different colour tanks and skirts, you can mix match whatever! The shoes were also free too, you can choose from white or brown.

kumamoto Japan

kumamoto Japan

This hair from BP* is like the definition of perfect for these dresses. Not free but how could you resist it? It comes in 4 versions for the one price of about 150l, woot!!

kumamoto Japan

This super cute bracelet was also from KJ, there's a matching necklace and earings too (cos we all know how ya love to be co-ordinated XD! Everything here is so light and summery, which is good cos in Sydney atm it's sodding cold and miserable.....blech!

Kumamoto Japan

BP* - Hippy Girl Hair


Creamy Cooljoke said...

Wooooow, more great dresses at Kumamoto!

"in Sydney atm it's sodding cold and miserable.....blech!"

I bet your 'cold and miserable'is like a typical summer day here in Scotland, LOL!

Ashia Tomsen said...

*whistles innocently* nooooooo Creams, Syd is just like scotland 0.o. Actually today must mucho betta and i took the little madam to the beach for a frolic. However the next 4 days will be raining, so cabin fever is imminent!
<3 yoo Creams