Saturday 17 May 2008

yiiiiiip yip yip yip

four yip's got free newness going on! i'm pretty sure we've used up all the words that come anywhere near describing the magical things that emerge from her marvelous brain, so i'll let a couple pictures do the talking:

i ran straight home to play with the raindrop dance (which comes with three giant cloudy raindrops in which to shimmy shake, and the silk-like getup above... the raindrop necklace you need to wear to appreciate), but there are other goodies to be grabbed, and the garden four has built for Not Possible in Real Life is a crazy-beautiful playground all on its own...

details from four's notecard:
I would like to invite you to "The Garden of NPIRL Delights" . I have been building for two weeks straight, it is called "Elevator Angels" and, and,................. offcourse it is a place to hang,fly into flowers, sit, twirl, let your hair dry on the chandelier, walk on hands on cloud, sit on chat birdy chairs, get elevated, set your picture in the family tree, dance in waterdrops,...........well why not go and see!!! ,........and YES there are new YIPs items for free added for YOU, to play , dress and to have your small "elevator angel". (click on the boards around my build and pay 0$l to make them yours)

thanks so much to four yip for all she does, not least of which is constantly reminding us with her creations that this place is a wondrous adventure, and that it's supposed to be fun. <3


edit: the slurl's been fixed, for anyone i confused earlier :D, and in case anyone's at a loss for what to do upon arrival at the garden...


Ashia Tomsen said...

oh wow look stunning!

Anonymous said...

The "dress" we're supposed to click is unavailable. Can you tell us what we're supposed to do there?

Anonymous said...

Where exactly can we get the latest Four Yip creation? At the store or at the Sim? When I tp'd to the Sim using the SLURL given, I was dumped someplace which certainly did not seem to be Yip's area.

olivia connaught said...

ashia - thank you doll!

elora - the initial slurl was wrong but it's been fixed. in the event i still managed to screw it up, check the freestyle archives. four sent a notecard out earlier today with all the right info.

anon - since i'm kinda a rabid collector, i mouse hovered over the everything and bought whatever was set for sale. i can't remember precisely which object contained the raindrop dance, but i'll check on it when i go back inworld.

Creamy Cooljoke said...

Beautiful photo's Olivia, <33333