Ah, the joys of SL and its incredibly sturdy, stable grid. I tried to snap a few pics of some kyoot trenches and boots I picked up, but I had to fight the grid the entire time, and the grid was an elephant on meth. Or at least what I picture an elephant on meth to be like, metaphorically speaking and whatnot. Damn you, LL Dumbo! [shakes angry fist in the general direction of LL in California] *Hopefully* these links will work and all will be back to the *bliss* it usually is, eh?
Also, I'm still working out some kind of bad juju that is happening between uploading to Flickr and uploading to Blogger. If you click on the pic itself, you should get a better view of whatever it is I'm cheesing in. If you see pixel-y ungoodness, know that I am doing my best to figure it out. (Throwing my laptop didn't seem to do the trick...odd, I know!)
This first trench is from KA Designs, which is in the middle of a grand opening for its sim. There's a hunt going on to celebrate, but I found the above trench as one of the gifts in the actual store on a shelf in a gift box (not one of the gold gift boxes that are a part of said hunt). The boots are a subscribe-o-matic gift from the always generous Pixel Dolls. The Relay for Life Lizette skin from Dawn Shop was a find from a Teddy Bear hunt in the Inizio sim. There are several of the lil' bears and they're not too hard to find. The "Lyrlia" hair in "Licorice" was a previously available freebie from Free Speerit (but that is another generous group, so I suggest joining up to take advantage of more freebies that are sure to come). The Form Femme 010 jeans are not free but are a great basic.
This other trench that I'm madly in love with is from that Teddy Bear hunt too and is also from Dawn Shop.
And this is a gratuitously dark picture of me imitating some hot chick secret agent that only exists in Hollywood movies, lol. Good luck battling the meth elephant grid! As for me, I'm letting it win today and taking a nap. [grin]
Just so you know, the Fair isle slurl for KA Designs is for the old location. It's not a big deal since there's a big pink sign right there, but just FYI. ^^
And thanks so much for this post...I love cute coats. <333
Ooh, ty for the heads up!! Please do let me know if I've goofed - I never want to send anyone to the wrong place!
Something so incredibly smexy about trench coats!! So yummy!
YEssss - are you nudey doodles under there? I bet you are :p
LOL!! Nudey doodles? Aiii, Creamy, where do you come up with these phrases?! :D
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