This is Four Yip's latest creation and it is absolutely amazing, the plumage is so realistic and the wings move beautifully. I can't even begin to list whats in the folder, you get so many different items including a beautiful headress, a feathered eyepatch, various wing types and 2 animations. I took to the skies at a beautiful sim called Gypsy Moon.
Reminiscent of Icarus, soaring high and flying to close to the sun
There is also a bright white set and of course, as with all Four's creations, we have props. Every bird needs a stand here's a special claw feet stool which includes the sit animation.
Who's more beautiful, me or the swan? (Actually, don't answer that one)
The shoes are utterly fascinating, they are delicate feathered birds. One of the stools has a little rose which, when you are seated, the bird appears to be holding in it's beak.
Four, I want to get inside your do you do it?
Beautiful bird shoes
This birdy hides it's head, with this invisible attachment.
Check out those eyes watching from the rocks....creeeeepy!
*Le sigh* How fabulous is this outfit? Can someone give Four an award please?
FREE Yips a bird outfit: Yip's at Electro Violence (above the Manna store)
This is a very cool mall, definitely worth a visit - especially if you like cyberwear and more unusual stuff
or Yip's main store (oL)
Non free items
Mellie, Little Bird Skin: Blowpop
Flapper Hair: ETD
Photo's taken at Gypsy Moon
The outfits are really great. But so are your pictures, Creamy.
Those first two are amazing, especially the first. Looks like a real person up there in the sky!
Yay! thank you :) I had really good fun taking these photo's, the outfit is fantastic and the Gypsy Moon sim really is beautiful.
wow yes the pictures !! and to think i keep putting off windlight (thanks for the reminder)
four yip is so wonderful.. okay, okay, that's a gross understatement..but the outfits really are creative and super fun. i hope she enjoys it as much as we do :)
NOW- off to join the group for real and stop lurking around the blog for the past......ahemmm5months
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