Saturday 12 April 2008


that's the only explanation i come up with when i try to puzzle out why nephilaine protagonist put the insanely lurvely limelight tops out for free at pixeldolls, shown here in iridescent:

[hair - D-S, kurly (not free); shoes - juicy, classic pumps in blackberry, which are pretty much a perfectly formed pair of heels, in my sometimes humble opinion (500L); bracelet - jaywalk (subscribe-o-matic gift) ]

obviously i've collapsed from sheer exhaustion due to the hunt extravaganzas going on this weekend. the limelight pack is loaded with sparkly goodness in four metallic variations and in every layer imaginable. included also are the pinstripe booty shorts and tights seen here.

i also want to mention the skin, one of the tuli gifts from the red stick hunt going on all this week:

[hair - etd, sofia (not free)]


Creamy Cooljoke said...

Ooooh yes, I love the Tuli skin, there's some really nice henna tatts to be found at the store too.

Your first photo is missing Olivia, I wanna see these tops of gorgeousness from Pixel Dolls. ^^

olivia connaught said...

grr stupid blogger decapitating me grr. i can see it but i'll change teh pic.