Maxi Gossamer has a group gift out! Her group is free to join and with all the amazing offers she has, it's a total steal. The gift is a lovely purse and it matches perfectly the look I was going for today.
Credits :
- Free :
- Purse : Maxi Gossamer - Purse - Denim Daisy - group gift available in store.
- Nails : Melonopolis - Slink Nail Polish // Elegant (for hands and feet) - free on MP
- Under 75l$ :
- Eyes : Banana Banshee - Fly me to the Moon - River (10l$)
- Pants : Zaara : Arpora Fisherman's Pants (fitted mesh) *batik blues* (available at the Arcade Gacha event)
- Other credits :
- Skin : Glam Affair - Summerv3 - America 01 G
- Lips : [PXL] - Sweetlips02
- Hair : Exile - Beyond the Waves - Marone (and optional rigged flowers)
- Body : Maitreya Lara
- Top : Evie's Closet - part of Kasia - Boho Gypsy Outfit - Blue
- Necklace : Maxi Gossamer - Marrakech Heart
- Shoes : Maxi Gossamer - Sandals - Lotus Flower Blossom (50% off at the moment)
- Hands and feet : SLink Avatar Enhancement
- Bracelet : [RE] Random Encouragement Wrist Band - Sapphire (there's an avatar in SL named Random Encouragement. Their continuing mission : to make SL a happier and nicer place, to boldly give random people sweet random encouragements and gifts)