Tuesday 15 September 2009

Dirty Dancing

American film actor , Patrick Swayze, passed away today after a brave battle with pancreatic cancer. One of his most famous roles was as the dance instructor in the coming-of-age film, Dirty Dancing, which he starred in with actress, Jennifer Grey. Pixieplumb Flanagan, owner/designer of Baby Monkey, has created her tribute to Mr. Swayze with the dress, Baby's Last Dance, which you can pick up for free at her store.The dress is graceful and flowing, perfect for kicking up your heels on the dance floor in your own tribute to Patrick. The skirt has a resize script which skinnies like me find so necessary. Click here to see the real dress in action. [
The dress also includes shoes. No amount of photo editing on my part can do justice to the hideous feet that we are born with in SL. Thankfully, Pixie will soon be re-releasing the shoes with prim feet for her Ultimate brand and will come in many yummy brushed leather textures.
Abra and I must have been on the same wavelength because I am also wearing the new group gift from Symphony Skins. Symphony Skins is phasing out group gifts through it's Hippo Group. It is a gorgeous skin called, Prom Queen, and I took the shot at Baby Monkey earlier in the day and the local shot is so lousy I just had to do a closeup because it is such a great skin. 2 Free*Style endorsements in a day means it's that good and you need to get it. Also near the front of the store there are links to some clothing tutorials, so if you are more ambitious and organized that me (that would be everyone reading this) you can get some education too! Credits:Dress and Shoes: Baby Monkey : Baby's Last Dance, a tribute to Patrick Swayze: FreeMe (left)Hair: Waffles: Fargo Jumps in the Farm: purchased at Designers United in AugustSkin: Symphony Skins: Prom Queen: Group GiftPixie:Hair: CakeSkin: Laqroki


Auntykuro said...


(just kidding, awesome post, miz Eden)

Unknown said...

ROFL! see what I mean about the type?

Auntykuro said...

yeah, I do. it's freaking tiny for both of us v.v we fail the computer game!