A special Hud to keep in contact with your favourity community of the net.
With this fantastic gift you will have all the nightlife entertainment world in your hands!
You can get this HUD @ XStreet:
Secondnighters offer up to date news on where the hottest parties are, you can even follow events by your favorite DJ!
See the Secondnights website for more details! The HUD is free, anyone can get it!
Here's how the HUD works:
1. Wear on your screen
2. Click on any button, for eample:
A. The Events:
This functions send you a message in Open Chat with the events of the day with:
Venue and SURL
B. Club SURLs:
This functions send you in Open Chat a random Club SLUrl from the site with:
This handy HUD is also a Dance Machine:
The Dance Machine
This button allows you to choose your dance animations when you are at your best party night. you can also put your favourite dance animatons on it and create your best dance HUD combinations.
WWW, how can I get it?
It Can be found on Xstreet, buy it, use it and enjoy with it!!
Suri, xoxo
Suri, where can I get the hair the model is wearing? Thanks
I am wearing "Marianne" Hair, from Truth
Hi Suri. The skin is also gorgeous. Where can I get it? Thanks.
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