So after much deliberation, and a million sleepless nights soul searching, I have come to a huge, life changing decision. I am packing up my toys and going home to London. This will happen very quickly, once I get Mini Ash's passport (which prob takes the longest, grrr Australia) we're gonski. I love my adopted country, and the move won't be a permanent one, but Riley needs extended family, and quite frankly, I need a break. I've had one "day off" in 4 years, my best friend has moved across the country after living down the road for the last 13 years and the support system I did have is now almost non existent. Honey (my best friend) always said "Happy mummy, happy baby" meaning I should be looking after myself, making sure I'm 100%, so I can be 100% for my daughter. I haven't been doing that, I've been trying to convince myself I'm super human and can do it all. It's a relief to admit I'm not and I can't.
First up is this fun, and oh so cute lucky chair outfit from Luxurious World. White and red together just screams spring to me, all bright and fresh. The capris do have prim cuffs, but I was having a hell of a time trying to edit them to look right with my crap graphics. I failed!
For a complete fashion "about face" this weeks dollarbie from KOSH. The "Toluca" set in Mould is made of win, and guess what? Moar win for you in the form of the "Brittle" set, for BOYS! That outfit is the total smex, and includes jeans, belt and a shirt.
Hop next door to Concrete Flowers to scoop up this fun dress, one of 3 dollarbies this week. One of the others, the "Flying Tofu Sausage" had me in fits of laughter. You wear it, and it poses you on a sausage as if it where a hammock, fucking inspired! The "Madonna" boots shown here are this weeks freebie from Vixens @ the Dominion. If you TP to EvA and walk around the corner, you'll find the free/cheapie display.
Next piece of yum comes to you courtesy of G&N Design. The "Julia" outfit is free for this week, there's also a 50% off sale for you to indulge in!
And last but not least, some gorgeousness that you can find in the DV8 riotvend. While not free, the vend gets as low as 40L, so worth getting a crowd in for. And now I'm off to finish this week in style, by going to work :P Ash Out.
Hair (not free)
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3&4
Deviant Kitties
Pic 1 (not free)
Pic 2
Nikita Fride lucky chair
Pics 3&4
Cupcakes group gift
Pic 1
Luxurious World lucky chair
Pic 2
Pic 3
Concrete Flowers
Pic 4
Pic 1 (not free)
Pic 2 (not free)
Pic 3
Pic 4 (not free)
Pic 5 (not free but the vend gets as low as 40l)
DV8 riotvend
Just writing to with you the best girl!
Your friend is right "Happy mum, Happy baby". You deserve a break. :)
Hey girl if you ever need to vent, you have lots of ears ready! Don't you wish SLers could babysit? haha.
You're totally right about needing to put yourself first before you can look after others while being 100%.
You have a lot of ppl who love and support ya :)
Wishing you all the best :)
Wow, that is one brave move. I don't even know you but I wish you the best of luck.
I wish you a safe and successful move!
Being adorably selfish, I'm rather chuffed to have you back on my side of the globus! :)
Head up, girl... you'll have fun freezing your delectable butt off over here next winter and you know that Down Under will always be there waiting for the return of the Prodigal Daughters (whether by birth or choice!)
Big huggles for both you & Riley <3
If I have any power, If you ever wanna move back to Sydney, I'll let cha back in :)
Thank you so much guys, for all the amazing comments, and N/C's youve sent me in game. Really, I appreciate it more that you'll ever know <3
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