First off, I have to apologize for what must seem like excessive discussion about my boyfriend. I'm visiting him at the moment and I never see him because he lives quite far from me and zomg we're so emo sad about it. Or something. But the following "interesting" pictures came about like this:
G: So you're ready for bed? (it's 1:30 am-ish)
A: Nooooo, Ivey from Sn@tch sent out a freebie, must blog! [sways with drink in hand]
G: Are you sure you should be writing?...Can't you do this in the morning?
A: It's Ivey...she'll understand if I'm a little silly! [more swaying] I'll just put on her freebie Starchild and throw on as many freebies as possible from the Starlust opening to knock this out right quick. [chugs drink and smacks hands together and rubs them]
G: [silence]
A: Woot!

I sincerely apologize to any designers that are looking upon this picture in horror and thinking, "Oh no. We must ban her! Quick!" I'm wearing
Sn@tch Starchild, which is available until tomorrow (Sunday) at midnight. I also have on some freebies from the
Starlust opening Ashia blogged earlier, including Violet Voltaire's "Fecal Matter Necklace" (I
can't wait until she's on for me to ask her how she came up with poo on a necklace), the Decollage Star Sunglasses, and the Schadenfreude Starlust charm bracelet. The earings were a subscribe-o-matic gift from Perquita from earlier today. The hair is the
Fuel "Shorti" style that just came out that Sandy based on Rihanna's hair in her new video and is the kyootness ($170 L). I'm busting out Allegory's (Mistress of Schadenfreude with the kickarse green 'hawk) "Eh, piss off" pose (also not free but too clever to pass up at $50L). The skin is the one Cheri just blogged and did much more justice too. Seriously, Rosemar is crazy generous for just $250 L, and the skin I show a few pics below is so worth it. At least to goofs like me.

Wee! A slightly less horrifying picture! (I think.)

Here I'm cheesing in the "-tb- StarLust Motel Shorts (wanna be camel toe, classy)." Yup, it's called that. I have to admit I did try to see if there was any...well, that's unholy of me, isn't it. Also shown is Pudge's Frisky Wiskey t-shirt and Fuel Snug boots that Creamy blogged below. The hair is from
Calico for $10L called "Heather" in "Golden." It comes in a bazillion colors and is one of those hairstyles you can get a lot of mileage out of.
I happened to run into a very saucy and fabulous chick named Ellantha Larsson earlier today while we were stalking the limited copies of $25 L gowns that Kouse was bestowing upon her adoring group at both of her shops today. I saw her again later at the Starlust motel while shooting these Picassos of mine and noticed that she had quite cleverly put together some Starlust freebies too. The conversation went something like:
A: OMG, Ellllannntha!! [acting like we've been friends for decades]
E: Erm, hi Adaire. [looking in both directions to make sure she can call for help if needed]
A: What are you doing laying by that dead hooker in the pool?
E: Oh, I'm taking some photos for a series that I will call "Morning After at the Starlust."
A: Ooh, are those some Starlust goodies you have on? Mind dragging your morning after arse over here?

We both have on Rosemar's other gift from today, her Specialty Drunk skin set, available in her group. Doesn't it make you want to sneak up on a passed out friend and attack them with a Sharpie marker? I have on the Schadenfreude Crappy Starlust tee. She has on the Schadenfreude bracelets Allegory put out in honor of today along with the freebie from Marly's and the "Classy" shorts I mentioned earlier from -tb-.
And now, I think it's better for all parties if I sleep.
hahahah, those skins are perfect for how I feel this morning.
aren't they awesomes!! They even have a penie 0.o
ooh and awesome pics Adaire!! Loves em xx
A: Nooooo, Ivey from Sn@tch sent out a freebie, must blog! [sways with drink in hand]
lawl, if i had a dollar for every time i said something just like this............
Hahahaha, Olivia!! Glad I'm not that unusual. Ty for the <3 chicas!! xx
But where is the freebie from sn@tch? cant see it, sorry folks do u mind telling me? :)))
kisses **
Part of the Sn@tch deal is that you have to hunt for them, yasmin (and I believe she does not want people leaking the locations, you have to find it yourself). There will be a freebie vendor somewhere in the store.
HA! adaire you are a rock star! i had to come back and rofl a leetle at this one. i had so much fun today, it was nice meeting you! anytime i can meet someone one minute, and be in an all-out-diva fight of the century the next is a good time. SPOILER ALERT!!! hahaha. stay tuned Free*Stylers, lol ;)
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